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Three Friends Laughing

Every beginning is a challenge

 An idea with the aim of leading our society into a new tomorrow!

The system of digitized time credit was first launched in 2020 by Alexander Walter. It is the first platform to offer neighborhood help based on the time credit enabled throughout Switzerland. 


I am convinced that the assistance provided by professional service providers can also be provided by the surrounding neighborhood with the same quality. This enables everyone to be socially active in the neighborhood and to have the security of being helped to the same extent in the future.

Wer wir sind: Ãœber uns

Alexander Walter


Age Coin was born from an idea. The idea that any person, anytime they help someone, is sure that they will be helped to the same extent when they need it. We are now realizing this idea with the help of you.


About me I am 28 years old, come from Basel and am currently studying political science and history at the University of Basel. In addition to studying, I work part-time as an accountant.

In my free time I work a lot on the Age Coin System, the rest of the time I spend with friends and family.

Alexander Walter .png
Wer wir sind: Willkommen
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